Say Hello to our little Elf friend!

Meet "Frost" our new little Elf friend. I wanted to introduce this tradition a year ago when I saw all of the fun elf images floating about the Internet! We finally decided to hop on the bandwagon!

I got the kids excited and introduced the idea for the past couple months. We visited pinterest and watched other elves in action to see what they were up to. We even thought of names we would call our elf if we were lucky enough to welcome one. This was a true riot! We did more laughing with names like Cletus and Balthazar etc. I told the kiddos that he does not come to everyone (I knew not all kids in their class would have one and they may start to question things)...they only come if you wish real hard for one! So on the 24th of November I grabbed our elf on a shopping excursion at Chapters and could not wait to set him in motion! I mean it is not everyday that you get to be a kid again and play with dolls...acting out stories. LOL!

So I waited for the kiddos to be fast asleep...and I set our little dude out. I decided to just keep things simple for day one...sitting on the shelf with his waiting...for someone to wake and notice him. I waited for the kids to wake the next morning...and of course of all the days to sleep in...11am!!! Finally they emerged and it was my son who first spotted him...then they went ballistic. LOL....My oldest said..."Mommy...I wished really hard that he would come...and that is why he is here". innocent and full of belief...the moments every mama wants to freeze in time. :)

We read the story...went over the rules...they began to choose his forever name. He was going to be Arthur, Edward or BING. LOL...but the kids agreed he needed to be called a Christmas name. So they decided on Frost. Then we wrote it in our elf story book. Stay tuned for some seriously funny episodes in the Misadventures of Frost the Elf.....